Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tue, 2011-12-06 09:51
I'm an anarchist who believes

I'm an anarchist who believes in a strong police force and a good, stable representative democracy. Capitalism is pretty cool, since through a hard work ethic it lets people rise up to the point of being a manager or owner of a company, and thereby contribute even more. Also, I firmly believe in America and the American dream.

-- Noam Chomsky

I reply to above poster as it leaves me confused.

These are not Chomsky's thoughts and that kind loses me in if you are an Anarchist at all? Capitalism is a poor basis for government just as communism, while being a find personal practice, also makes a poor form of government. The strong police force sounds comforting; yet, these kinds of enforcement are almost universally abusive to the public.

Freedom is the key to all moral success. Weather it is reaching success as a business owner or as a state employee, freedom is the key and is what makes America different than any other country and why no other countries system can apply here. The government is the peoples will. Let's take this a little further. America has a great deal of Federal and State lands containing vast resources. The government oversees the harvesting of oil, gas, timber, minerals, water and on and on. These resources are the property of the citizens of the United States of America. So when these resources are sold by a business why don't you receive royalties. The Alaskan government does this. It is called the Alaskan Permanent Fund. All sales of resources from state land are levied for 25% of the royalties and these funds are collected for five years. The money is invested and the five year average is paid out to the citizens if Alaska.
Every man, woman and child each year receives a check for around $2500.00-$3000.00. Even though all resources may be taken the checks will continue because they are from the invested monies profits. If we the people are the government then we are owed a great deal of money because we are not England or France. We are the only government that is representative of the people. We are not members, slaves, employees, or the population. We are the owners and rulers of our government. If we started behaving as such we would become prosperous again and have our freedoms returned to us. Think about it... it is yours. No where else is this true. Only America and that is the reason America will not fail. We will once again take our government back.

Funny that Chomsky is anti-Zionist. Another Diaspora people are the Armenians. Although the Armenian Genocide was in 1915 or so they have not had a homeland for a very long time. You can see the work or their stone masons in the first churches of Jerusalem. A few years ago they got their own country. They are a different religion too. The Armenian Orthodox Church. Maybe he forgot to get excited about these people seeking to have their native land returned to them after a few thousand years.

Now as an Anthropologist I have had problems with Noam's recent ideas(from the late 60's on. He became a mainstream leftest spokesman and no longer a dissonant anthropologist and linguist. I thank him for his taking a stand when no one else would. That was brave. Even if I don't agree I respect him for seeing differently. We who propose something other than the status-quot are frequently discredited.

I don't consider myself an Anarchist. Many others do and that gets me fired often. It comes with the job. I think different and see a bigger picture. I am brighter than most but that isn't what makes me different. I prove my theories even if I have to pay for the experiments to explore my ideas. Sometimes I am wrong. That's OK. It is good to be humble.
So what am I saying... be yourself and don't ever fear to be different. You very well might end up a martyr and death is a price we sometimes pay. It's OK. It is one of the industrial diseases of our profession. (Thank You Dire Straights)

Friday, December 16, 2011

The entitled American

The entitled American

Patrick Crothers - I have ran several major corporations operations. I have spent half my career in the private sector with some short tours in government service and the rest in academia. Slowly over the last 45 years the work ethic of native Americans has declined to a point that in my last corporate position I fired everyone of my American employees and hired immigrants to take their place. The company was AT&T Capital Computer leasing. They had a very serious problem. The people who helped run the second largest computer lessor in the world Could not process the equipment returning from lease in a timely manner and if I suggested that they try this or that to cut the time required to return these computers, printers, monitors and other related equipment to new conditions. My employees were temps and I promised raises and training to earn certifications that would improve their value if they quit and went to work somewhere else. Well the equipment. returning from lease kept coming and even increased as Enron suddenly collapsed. My crew went slower. It was sad as one by one I took them aside and told them I had to replace some members of the crew. I started interviewing new people with one request. They could not be natural born Americans. I hired a Sudanese refugee named Bol and what a difference. He asked questions, sought new knowledge and did everything we asked. He did not like working with African Americans as he thought they were all saddled with something like drugs, arrogance or criminal tendencies. Bol was saving to pay the ransom to get his wife out of the Sudan. It took seven years but he did it and had a baby right off named after me. I was touched. One by one I turned the whole department over. I hired the first woman ever hired there. She was tiny but was valedictorian of her college class in Electronic Engineering. Everyone declared doom would visit but actually she was very good and soon the guys cleaned their language up and went to her for help. I hired refugees from Central America and Laos and suddenly the work started getting done. It was a bit of a chore to keep the African Christians away from the Muslims but that worked out too as these people wanted to work and learn and had no feeling of entitlement as my natural born Americans showed. I designed a psychological test to weed out the slothful ones but after a couple of years and working on new designs with the programers I got tired of the military taking everything we did and quit and went back to Anthropology. I had received a large bonus check and stock options so I split the check with the crew and thank them for becoming Americans. As I told them. Our country could not survive with out new blood like them selves and it is true.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why we at war in the middle east.

Here's how the ayatollah himself put it: "...Muslims have no alternative... to an armed holy war against profane governments. ...Holy war means the conquest of all non-Muslim territories. ...It will ...be the duty of every able-bodied adult male to volunteer for this war of conquest, the final aim of which is to put Koranic law in power from one end of the earth to the other. "The leaders of the USSR and of England and the president of the United States are ...infidels.... ...Every part of the body of a non-Muslim individual is impure, even the hair on his head and his body hair, his nails, and all the secretions of his body. Any man or woman who denies the existence of God, or believes in His partners [the Christian Trinity], or else does not believe in His Prophet Mohammed, is impure (in the same way as are excrement, urine, dog, and wine)[sic]."
pronouncements, he rose in the ranks of Iranian holy men. Finally he achieved the penultimate title--ayatollah (roughly equivalent to a Catholic cardinal).

His name was Ruhollah Khomeini, and he wrote books, pamphlets, and even taped and distributed his speeches to inspire the citizens of Iran with sacred virtue. The ayatollah's words roused Iranians to overthrow the shah and usher in a government based on strict Islamic doctrine. What did the ayatollah's pronouncements say- Among other things, that infidels are like dogs. Their existence is an affront to Allah.
Khomeini's works advocate vigorously converting or murdering all those who do not embrace Allah's holy meme. Then they urge a holy war on the nations of the West.

The ayatollah wrote, "Any nonreligious [i.e. non-Islamic] power, whatever form or shape, is necessarily an atheistic power, the tool of Satan; it is part of our duty to stand in its path and to struggle against its effects. Such Satanic power can engender nothing but corruption on earth, the supreme evil which must be pitilessly fought and rooted out. To achieve that end, we have no recourse other than to overthrow all governments that do not rest on pure Islamic principles, and are thus corrupt and corrupting, and to tear down the traitorous, rotten, unjust, and tyrannical administrative systems that serve them.... If Islamic civilization had governed the West, we would no longer have to put up with these barbaric goings-on unworthy even of wild animals....[Western governments are] using inhuman laws and inhuman political methods... Misdeeds must be punished by the law of retaliation: cut off the hands of the thief; kill the murderer instead of putting him in prison; flog the adulterous woman or man. Your concerns, your 'humanitarian' scruples, are more childish than reasonable."

Khomeini had a prescription for such problems: "All of humanity must strike these troublemakers [the governments of the West] with an iron hand.... Islam has obliterated many tribes because they were sources of corruption [i.e. sources of non-Islamic influence]...." Judging from the Ayatollah's rhetoric, the next tribes he would have liked to see obliterated were those in Europe and America.

Allah is rapidly providing Khomeini's followers with a sword to carry out their master's wishes. He has offered Islam the fire in which the Koran says those who follow false faiths are destined to burn: nuclear weaponry. He has also provided the long range missiles needed to use it. According to the late imam's logic, there may be only one just and righteous thing to do: employ this technology to wipe out recalcitrant heathens like you and me.

The modern growth of Islam is the coalescence of a superorganism drawn together by the magnetic attraction of a meme. But this meme has an advantage: The social body it is trying to pull together has existed as a unified social beast in the past. The old reflexes of solidarity are still there, waiting to be aroused.

The meme of the new Islam is not laboring to generate a small and fragile embryo. It is simply attempting to awaken a sleeping giant.

Does anybody remember the Ayatollah Khomeini declaring war on the USA. 1979 or 76 He took our Embassy, too over 100 hostages and held them for ransom. 244 Marines killed by Iran's followers, a CIA STATION CHIEF SKINNED ALIVE?
There are a lot more.
The Ayatollah Khomeini has said this:
We have a prescription for such problems: "All of humanity must strike these troublemakers [the governments of the West] with an iron hand.... Islam has obliterated many tribes because they were sources of corruption [i.e. sources of non-Islamic influence]...." Judging from the Ayatollah's rhetoric, the next tribes he would have liked to see obliterated were those in Europe and America.

Allah is rapidly providing Khomeini's followers with a sword to carry out their master's wishes. He has offered Islam the fire in which the Koran says those who follow false faiths are destined to burn: nuclear weaponry. He has also provided the long range missiles needed to use it. According to the late imam's logic, there may be only one just and righteous thing to do: employ this technology to wipe out recalcitrant heathens like you and me.
Has anyone notice that Iran wants to kill Jews, Americans, and all infidels. We are their to contain them as they have declared war on us most people want to retreat or appease them.

Not me we have a score to settle.
244 Marines KIA and over 100 Embassy hostages and we want to let them walk.... and then kill us. I'll die fighting for America no matter what!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Jefferson and the Separtion of Church and State
A quote from a blogger on Yahoo:

Wonder what the Founding Fathers really intended? Does Thomas Jefferson qualify? Here it is:
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State"

For those of you who cant read above a third grade level, or have to have your news spoon fed to you with sugary sweet ideas from Fox (faux) news.....In this quote Thomas jefferson makes a direct reference to the 1st amendment...which clearly states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion".....Jefferson takes those specific words and explains them in his own words, "Thus building a wall between church and state".....

Jefferson made it very clear what the Founding Fathers wanted.